I am receiving this weird error.
The code is:
function absInt(array)
newarray = array
for n = 1 : length(array)
if array[n] < 0
array[n] = -array[n]
return newarray
endfunction CloneBinRepresentation(Nmut)
# Number of clones Nclones = 2^Nmut # Initialize empty arrays: # StringRep will contain Nclones strings (2^Nmut in binary) # BinRep will set each element to be 0,1 # e.g. StringRep[i] = '00111' is binary representation of 7. # BinRep[i,:] = [0;0;1;1;1] to be used in manipulation to make Q matrix StringRep = Array{String}(undef,Nclones) BinRep = Array{Int64}(undef,Nclones,Nmut) # This loop creates the arrays for i = 0 : Nclones-1 StringRep[i+1] = string(i,base=2,pad=Nmut) for j = 1 : Nmut BinRep[i+1,j] = parse(Int64,StringRep[i+1][j]) end end # We only need the BinRep, but string is given for error checking return BinRep,StringRep
function Qmatrix(Nmut,mutRate)
Nclones = 2^Nmut # (BinRep,StringRep) = CloneBinRepresentation(Nmut) Q = zeros(Nclones,Nclones) for i = 1 : Nclones count = 0; for j = 1: Nclones temp = BinRep(j,:) - BinRep(i,:); if sum(temp) == 1 && sum(absInt(temp)) == 1 Q(i,j) = mutRate; count = count + 1; end end Q(i,i) = 1 - count*mutRate; end return Q
Q = Qmatrix(3,0.01)
Which returns the error:
ERROR: LoadError: syntax: function argument names not unique