I get the error message
ERROR: LoadError: DomainError: in quaternion(::Array{Float64,2})
when I run the the following script (test5.jl):
function quaternion(m)
q = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
q[1] = 0.5*sqrt(1+ m[1,1] + m[2,2]+ m[3,3])
if q[1] == 0.0
q[1] = eps()
q[2] = (1/(4*q[1]))*(m[3,2] - m[2,3])
q[3] = (1/(4*q[1]))*(m[1,3] - m[3,1])
q[4] = (1/(4*q[1]))*(m[2,1] - m[1,2])
return q
lat = 8.7758905947561e-8
lon = 0.0
C_ne(lat,lon) = [-8.77589e-8 -0.0 -1.0; -0.0 1.0 -0.0; 1.0 0.0 -8.77589e-8]
C__eb = [0.5 0.0 -1.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0; 1.0 0.0 2.22045e-16]
C__nb = C__eb * C_ne(lat,lon)
# C__nb= [-1.0 0.0 -0.5; 0.0 1.0 -0.0; -8.77589e-8 0.0 -1.0]
s = quaternion(C__nb)
println("s= ",s)
But if I switch to (i.e. load C__nb manually)
# C__nb = C__eb * C_ne(lat,lon)
C__nb= [-1.0 0.0 -0.5; 0.0 1.0 -0.0; -8.77589e-8 0.0 -1.0]
The code executes fine:
$ julia test5.jl
s= [2.22045e-16,0.0,-5.6295e14,0.0]
Why do I get an execution error in my function quaternion(m) when the matrix C__nb is computed?