ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package LaplaceRedux does not have MLJBase in its dependencies

Hi, i was trying to make some modifications to the laplaceredux package but i am having some issues with the environment. everything worked until i tried to add MLJBase to the environment, now julia tells me

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package LaplaceRedux does not have MLJBase in its dependencies:

  • You may have a partially installed environment. Try Pkg.instantiate()
    to ensure all packages in the environment are installed.
  • Or, if you have LaplaceRedux checked out for development and have
    added MLJBase as a dependency but haven’t updated your primary
    environment’s manifest file, try Pkg.resolve().
  • Otherwise you may need to report an issue with LaplaceRedux

when i do Pkg.status() i get

Status C:\Users\Pasqu\Documents\julia_projects\LaplaceRedux.jl\docs\Project.toml
⌃ [98bfc277] ConformalPrediction v0.1.6
[e30172f5] Documenter v1.4.0
[587475ba] Flux v0.14.15
[c52c1a26] LaplaceRedux v0.2.0 ..
⌃ [add582a8] MLJ v0.19.5
⌅ [a7f614a8] MLJBase v0.21.14
[094fc8d1] MLJFlux v0.4.0
[91a5bcdd] Plots v1.40.4
[ce6b1742] RDatasets v0.7.7
[bd7198b4] TaijaPlotting v1.1.1
[e88e6eb3] Zygote v0.6.69
[02a925ec] cuDNN v1.3.1
[9a3f8284] Random
[10745b16] Statistics v1.10.0

i tried with update, instantiate and resolve too but nothing works. I am honestly confused on how the julia envs work…
why does it even matter that laplaceredux does not have MLJBase in its dependencies?

First, please clarify what “the environment” is.
It looks like you are in LaplaceRedux.jl\docs\Project.toml.
It is separate from LaplaceRedux.jl\Project.toml.

yes i am in /docs.
i forgot about this part.

Did you solve the trouble?
If solved, set the solution flag.

If not, please clarify the following:

  • Do you want to change either (or both) LaplaceRedux itself or its documentation?
  • Have you added MLJBase in LaplaceRedux.jl\Project.toml?
  • Are you using MLJBase in LaplaceRedux.jl\src\?
  • Are you developing LaplaceRedux in the default environment or in LaplaceRedux.jl\docs\Project.toml?

no, i didn’t.
I am using the /docs env to learn how the project works because i don’t want to mess the main env. I just typed in Pkq add MLJBase.

The following is not your fault, but should be noted.

Perhaps you can try deleting (renaming) Manifest.toml.

Edit: I could not reproduce the problem with LaplaceRedux v0.2.0 and julia 1.10.2. Please list everything you have done.

Please list everything you have done.

God’s only knows at this point. I have tried a lot of things

can I simply tell Julia to delete all the packages and start the env from zero?

Hmm, I am not a native English speaker, so I may not fully understand the nuances, but I felt your following statement was saying “no”.

Are you using MLJBase in LaplaceRedux.jl\src\?


Have you added MLJBase in LaplaceRedux.jl\Project.toml?

Literally, the error message says:

Package LaplaceRedux does not have MLJBase in its dependencies

The “its” means “LaplaceRedux’s”.


Git bless you.

yes MLJBase is in boths envS: docs and laplaceredux

I have added MLJBase to LaplaceRedux/Project.toml and added using MLJBase to src/LaplaceRdeux.jl, but the problem does not reproduce.
In the first place, LaplaceRedux indirectly depends on MLJBase and adding MLJBase to the dependency should not cause any problems.

So, you are saying that the error message is misdirected.
I am sorry I could not help you.

yes, that’s what i tried yesterday. i deleted manifest and toml and started reinstalling the packages one after one. I think it’s a compatibility issue: whenever i reinstall taijaplotting mljbase goes back from version 1.2 to 0.21

there is no need to be an ass. Anyway when i removed taijaplotting and updated the packages the error disappeared. I don’t know why and i don’t care as long as it works for what i need.