Error "KeyError: key false not found"

I am trying to test my code where i use MCPModel and I keep getting this error:

Test threw exception
Expression: all(isapprox.(z[I₊] - u[I₊], 0; atol = tol))
KeyError: key false not found

function ensure_correct(z, M, N, q, l, u, w; tol=1e-4)
r = Mz + Nw + q

I₋ = r .< -tol
I₊ = r .> tol
I₀ = isapprox.(r, 0; atol=tol)

@test all(isapprox.(z[I₊] - u[I₊], 0; atol=tol))
@test all(isapprox.(z[I₋] - l[I₋], 0; atol=tol))
@test all(l.-tol .≤ z .≤ u.+tol)


@testset “lmcp” begin
rng = MersenneTwister(420)
for i = 1:10
M = randn(rng, 5,10)
M = M’*M
N = randn(rng, 10, 3)
w = randn(rng, 3)
q = randn(rng, 10)
l = randn(rng, 10)
u = randn(rng, 10)
inconsistent = u.<l
u[inconsistent] = l[inconsistent]
z = solve_lmcp(M, N, q, l, u, w)
ensure_correct(z, M, N, q, l, u, w)


It seems that z or I₊ don’t have the types you would expect.

Can you maybe add @show type(I₊) type(z). Maybe z is a Dictionary and then you need to access it in a different way.