Error in ploting

Have you tried adding GR with Pkg.add("GR")?

To use Plotly, you can do:

using Plots

x = -6:0.2:9 
f(x) = x^3
y = f.(x)

plot(x,y, label="line")

but honestly, I often have problem with blocked JavaScripts, so I’d recommend fixing your GR installation and using that instead :wink: Unless you really want interactive plots…

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yea…It got upgraded to 0.51.0. but still am not able to plot

What is the error message and what is your Pkg.status() now?

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I’ve seen this error several times after updating Plots. It was fixed by a ]build GR (and then restarting Julia).


Tried that also…

With what results? Have you updated Plots to the latest version?

Thank you everyone for the response. Finally got it settled !!

You should write what the solution was and mark it as solution, so that other users with the same problem can find it.