Error in building run time function by Lux.jl model with other equations

I want to build an Equation using a neural network (based on Lux.jl) as follows:

using Lux
using LuxCore
using Symbolics
using StableRNGs
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkitNeuralNets
using ModelingToolkit:t_nounits as t
using ComponentArrays
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: RealInputArray

nn = Lux.Chain(
    Lux.Dense(3 => 16), # , Lux.tanh
    Lux.Dense(16 => 16), # , Lux.leakyrelu
    Lux.Dense(16 => 2)#, Lux.leakyrelu

init_params = Lux.initialparameters(StableRNG(42), nn)
@parameters p[1:length(init_params)] = Vector(ComponentVector(init_params))
@parameters ptype::typeof(typeof(init_params)) = typeof(init_params) [tunable = false]
lazyconvert_p = Symbolics.array_term(convert, ptype, p, size=size(p))

@variables v1(t), v2(t), v3(t)
exprs = LuxCore.stateless_apply(nn, [v1, v2, v3], lazyconvert_p)[1]

This code is written according to the ModelingToolkitNeuralNets.jl reference, and then I want to build a RuntimeGeneratedFunction based on this exprs, the result is as follows:

temp_func = build_function(exprs, [v1, v2, v3], [p, ptype], expression=Val{false})
>RuntimeGeneratedFunction(#=in Symbolics=#, #=using Symbolics=#, :((ˍ₋arg1, ˍ₋arg2)->begin
          #= D:\Julia\Julia-1.10.0\packages\packages\SymbolicUtils\c0xQb\src\code.jl:373 =#
          #= D:\Julia\Julia-1.10.0\packages\packages\SymbolicUtils\c0xQb\src\code.jl:374 =#
          #= D:\Julia\Julia-1.10.0\packages\packages\SymbolicUtils\c0xQb\src\code.jl:375 =#
              (getindex)((LuxCore.stateless_apply)(Chain(), Num[v1(t), v2(t), v3(t)], (convert)(ˍ₋arg2[2], ˍ₋arg2[1])), 1)

As can be seen from the results, the input variables [v1, v2, v3] are not replaced by the parameter arg.
In addition, when this function is called with actual data, parameter type conversion cannot convert model parameters through boardcast:

temp_func([1,2,3], [ComponentVector(init_params), eltype(ComponentVector(init_params))])

>ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type ComponentVector{Float32, Vector{Float32}, Tuple{Axis{(layer_1 = ViewAxis(1:64, Axis(weight = ViewAxis(1:48, ShapedAxis((16, 3))), bias = ViewAxis(49:64, ShapedAxis((16, 1))))), layer_2 = ViewAxis(65:98, Axis(weight = ViewAxis(1:32, ShapedAxis((2, 16))), bias = ViewAxis(33:34, ShapedAxis((2, 1))))))}}} to an object of type Float32

As pointed out in unexpect result when use build_function for Lux.jl-based expr · Issue #1187 · JuliaSymbolics/Symbolics.jl · GitHub, the major differences from ModelingToolkitNeuralNets.jl are that the input needs to be a symbolic vector, not a vector of symbols and the parameter type (ptype) is the type of the ComponentVector(init_params) not the NamedTuple type.

The error that you get is due to calling the generated function with eltype instead of typeof. More specifically, the error is due to trying to convert ComponentVector(init_params) to its element type, which is a Float32.

After receiving your suggestion, I realized that by changing the input to @variables (v(t))[1:4] in this way, I can ensure the code runs normally. However, if I use this expression, I won’t be able to substitute the individual elements of the vector v (which are obtained from other expressions) using the substitute method. Is there a possible way to replace v with [v1, v2, v3, v4] so that I can get the resulting Function?

Does adding additional equations work? For example

v[1] ~ v1
v[2] ~ v2

Thanks for your suggestions! After many attempts, I found that the build_function of Symbolics.jl could not meet the problem I raised. However, I tried SymbolicUtils.jl later and it met my needs by using Func, Assignment to build functions.