I am trying to make an animation using Plots.jl; the simple interface is really great. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. It appears to be passing an invalid argument for ImageMagick. The error I get is:
Invalid Parameter - 10
WARNING: Tried to create gif using convert (ImageMagick), but got error: ErrorException("failed process: Process(`conver
t -delay 10 -loop 0 'C:\\Users\\seanm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jl_C8F6.tmp\\*.png' -alpha off 'C:\\Users\\seanm\\Dropbox\\
Code\\Julia\\test_gif.gif'`, ProcessExited(4)) [4]")
ImageMagick can be installed by executing `Pkg.add("ImageMagick")`
I do have ImageMagick installed; I want to make sure I’m not missing something essential before submitting it as a bug… This code reproduces the problem:
using Plots
x = [i for i = 0:0.1:10]
anim = @animate for i = 1:10
plot(x, map(u -> sin(i*π*u), x))
gif(anim, "./test_gif.gif", fps=10)
Platform is 64-bit Windows; my Julia is 0.5.0 on the machine where I have the problem since I haven’t gotten around to upgrading this one; I haven’t tested on 5.1 yet.