I am getting an error trying to use a package on github.
julia> Pkg.clone(“git@github.com:anthofflab/mimi-rice-2010.jl.git”)
ERROR: can’t determine package name from URL: git@github.com:anthofflab/mimi-rice-2010.jl.git
julia> Pkg.clone(“git@github.com:davidanthoff/ExcelReaders.jl.git”)
Appears to work fine (though as I installed it previously, i get
INFO: Cloning ExcelReaders from git@github.com:davidanthoff/ExcelReaders.jl.git
ERROR: ExcelReaders already exists
How might I install and use this package?
help> Pkg.clone
clone(url, [pkg])
Clone a package directly from the git URL url. The package does not need to be
registered in Pkg.dir("METADATA"). The package repo is cloned by the name pkg if
provided; if not provided, pkg is determined automatically from url.
So try give a name as the second argument.
Oh wow, thanks.
I am still having some issues
julia> Pkg.clone(“git@github.com:anthofflab/mimi-rice-2010.jl.git”,“mrice”)
ulia> Pkg.add(“mrice”)
INFO: Package mrice is already installed
julia> mrice
ERROR: UndefVarError: mrice not defined
julia> import mrice
ERROR: ArgumentError: Module mrice not found in current path.
Run Pkg.add("mrice")
to install the mrice package.
julia> using mrice
ERROR: ArgumentError: Module mrice not found in current path.
Run Pkg.add("mrice")
to install the mrice package.
It shows up in Pkg.status()
- mrice 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
How can I use the package?
It doesn’t have the standard packge file structure (so it isn’t really a package). You can just include the main file though, include(Pkg.dir("mrice", "src", "main.jl"))