ERROR: cannot document the following expression: using PATHSolver

Hello all,

I am new to Julia, I am trying to run a simple optimization problem using PathSolver. I have installed the PathSolver, but it is giving me this error

ERROR: cannot document the following expression:

using PATHSolver

Any thoughts whats is going on? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks

Attached is the screenshot of my code


How are you running the file?

“cannot document the following expression” sounds like you’re trying to look up the documentation for it?

I am just running the code using Visual Studio Code software with Julia as language.

I am just running the code using Visual Studio Code software with Julia as language.

Sure. But literally, what buttons did you press/commands did you run to execute the file?

I typically work with the Julia REPL, and execute files using include:

Yes the button which says, Julia: Execute active file in REPL

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What are the lines above line 24? Do you have a block like:

Here is a commennt
using PathSolver

It looks like Julia is trying to add a docstring to using PATHSolver


Oh I see. I thought it was a commented string xD. Got it. It works now. Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Multiline comments are


using PATHSolver
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Ok perfect. Very new to Julia. Still learning the basics :slight_smile:

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Very new to Julia. Still learning the basics

Welcome! These reports are actually very helpful, because it made me realize that we don’t cover comments, multiline comments, or multiline strings in our Getting started with Julia · JuMP tutorial.

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I opened a PR to improve the documentation: [docs] add comments and multiline strings to getting_started_with_julia by odow · Pull Request #3085 · jump-dev/JuMP.jl · GitHub.

Let me know if you come across any other stumbling blocks, or have suggestions for improvements to the docs.

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