The above code is throwing the error in the title and I cannot figure out why.
The below code that I run right before it in my file works just fine and I know and have checked that there are at least 2 columns in data.
probes = data[4:end, 1]
Does anyone know what is happening? I am reading in data from a CSV using a the CSV package.
You seem to be accessing a Vector (Array{UInt8,1}) which does not have a second dimension, so you can’t use that , 2] part. Julia allows indexing with extra dimensions if the index is 1, so thats why the second example does not throw. Normally indexing a vector is done with one index, e.g. data[4:end] etc.
Can you share the full code + csv file where you’re seeing this issue? It’s possible there’s a bug in the CSV.jl code that is causing this issue underneath, but in order to diagnose, I need a way to reproduce the problem, even if you can just share the file/code w/ me privately.