I have a vector y
which is a Vector{Float64}
, but each y[i]
is sampled from a different marginal distribution specified by vecdist[i]
I want the gradient of the loglikelihood function (scalar output), but I’m getting a strange looking Mismatched activity
error. I’m not sure if I’m misusing `Enzyme.jl somehow? Any help is highly appreciated.
using Enzyme
using Distributions
using GLM
using Random
import GLM.loglik_obs
struct MultiResponse{T, D, L}
y::Vector{T} # d by 1 vector
vecdist::Vector{D} # length d vector of marginal distributions, one for each y[i]
veclink::Vector{L} # length d vector of link functions, one for each y[i]
function component_loglikelihood(data::MultiResponse, η::Vector)
logl = 0.0
for j in eachindex(data.y)
dist = data.vecdist[j]
link = data.veclink[j]
μ_j = GLM.linkinv(link, η[j])
logl += loglik_obs(dist, y[j], μ_j, 1.0, 1.0)
return logl::Float64 # type annotation prevents "Duplicate return not supported" error
# simulate data
d = 10
possible_distributions = [Bernoulli(), Poisson(), Normal()]
vecdist = rand(possible_distributions, d)
veclink = [canonicallink(vecdist[j]) for j in 1:d]
y = zeros(d)
for j in 1:d
dist = vecdist[j]
y[j] = rand(dist)
data = MultiResponse(y, vecdist, veclink)
# eval obj
η = randn(d)
component_loglikelihood(data, η) # -16.602324713991795
# compute grad with Enzyme.jl
grad_storage = zeros(length(η))
Reverse, component_loglikelihood,
Duplicated(η, zero(η))
the last step causes the following error
Enzyme execution failed.
Mismatched activity for: %value_phi6.i = phi {} addrspace(10)* [ addrspacecast ({}* inttoptr (i64 5306670080 to {}*) to {} addrspace(10)*), %entry ], [ %19, %L26.i.loopexit ] const val: {} addrspace(10)* addrspacecast ({}* inttoptr (i64 5306670080 to {}*) to {} addrspace(10)*)
value=0.0 of type Float64
You may be using a constant variable as temporary storage for active memory (https://enzyme.mit.edu/julia/stable/faq/#Activity-of-temporary-storage). If not, please open an issue, and either rewrite this variable to not be conditionally active or use Enzyme.API.runtimeActivity!(true) as a workaround for now
[1] component_loglikelihood
@ ./In[1]:21
[2] component_loglikelihood
@ ./In[1]:0
[1] throwerr(cstr::Cstring)
@ Enzyme.Compiler ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/compiler.jl:1325
[2] component_loglikelihood
@ ./In[1]:15 [inlined]
[3] component_loglikelihood
@ ./In[1]:0 [inlined]
[4] diffejulia_component_loglikelihood_2266_inner_1wrap
@ ./In[1]:0
[5] macro expansion
@ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/compiler.jl:5719 [inlined]
[6] enzyme_call
@ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/compiler.jl:5385 [inlined]
[7] CombinedAdjointThunk
@ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/compiler.jl:5264 [inlined]
[8] autodiff
@ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/Enzyme.jl:291 [inlined]
[9] autodiff
@ ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/Enzyme.jl:315 [inlined]
[10] autodiff(::ReverseMode{false, FFIABI, false}, ::typeof(component_loglikelihood), ::Const{MultiResponse{Float64, UnivariateDistribution, Link}}, ::Duplicated{Vector{Float64}})
@ Enzyme ~/.julia/packages/Enzyme/srACB/src/Enzyme.jl:300
[11] top-level scope
@ In[2]:3
This is on julia v1.10.3 and Enzyme v0.12.6