Empty list in sum create an error

I would to define a constraint in jump using this compact notation like:

sum( sum(  Flow[p,j] for j in A[p] if j == "TT" ) for p in  pars) )

the problem is that for a given p, there may be no “TT” in A[p] list and in this cas it generate an empty list and I got this error:

 ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed

There’s a solution with two for loop:

ex = AffExpr()
for p in  pars
  for  j in A[p]
    if j == "TT" 
      ex += Flow[p,j]


but I’m wondering if there a way keep compact fomuraltion?


  • Pascal

Instead of sum( Flow[p,j] for j in A[p] if j == "TT"), do reduce(+, Flow[p,j] for j in A[p] if j == "TT", init=zero(eltype(Flow))). By providing the init argument, you give it a way to handle empty collections. I used zero(eltype(Flow)) to ensure that it always returns something of the same type, since I don’t know what your Flow array contains.

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eltype(Flow) return Pair{Any,Any} and then zero( ) function call failed with
MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Pair{Any,Any}})

You will have to poste a full MWE for us to help you more, unfortunately.

Also, note that you quote code with backticks

`like this`
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Ok I find it.
reduce(+, [Flow[p,j] for j in A[p] if j == “TT”], init=zero(1) )
works fine.

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Ok thanks, I new here and in Julia too.

From your code above, it seems like you want init=AffExpr().