Efficiency for calling Julia from python and purely run Julia

Thanks. I tried to follow Creating a sysimage for fast plotting with Plots.jl · PackageCompiler and failed at create_sysimage(["Plots"], sysimage_path="sys_plots.so", precompile_execution_file="precompile_plots.jl"). (I have created precompile_plots.jl)

I got

connect: Connection refused
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS

and leads to

⠸ [01m:02s] PackageCompiler: compiling incremental system image

keep on running seems forever

I tried to fix the GKS issue from GR can't connect on Windows - #3 by jbreeden
the last reply.
then rerun
create_sysimage(["Plots"], sysimage_path="sys_plots.so", precompile_execution_file="precompile_plots.jl")
I got
[ Info: PackageCompiler: Executing /mnt/c/.../precompile_plots.jl => /tmp/jl_packagecompiler_n2iAWn/jl_Y2asBo

If I close windows subsystem linux, reopen, and rerun julia, still the same :frowning: