I’d like to plot a function from R -> R^N
in Plots.jl. My code is:
using Plots
N = 9
v₁ = ones(N)
v₂ = [1, -8, ones(N-2)...]
z₀ = 1.0
function z(t; v₁ = v₁, v₂ = v₂, z₀ = z₀)
(z₀ / 9.0) .* (v₁ - exp(-9.0*t)*v₂)
The function works as expected, but I’d like to be able to do something like:
plot(t -> z(t), 0.0:0.01:1.0)
but that errors. The best I can do is:
data = [[z(t)[i] for t ∈ 0.0:0.001:1.0] for i ∈ 1:N]
which works (and looks great) but I wondered if there is a better way to interact with the Plots API, or if there is another package that connects Plots to vector valued functions?
Try this:
t= 0.0:0.01:1.0
plot(t, reduce(hcat, z.(t))')
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A similar solution to reduce(hcat, z.(t))'
is to use the SplitApplyCombine.invert
function, which does what your data
construct does. (I wish there were a general unzip
function in base). For your problem, the use would be:
using SplitApplyCombine, Plots
plot(t, invert(z.(t)))
As an aside, this is also of use for the more traditional plot of f:R → R^n with n in 2 or 3, that being a space curve, which can be plotted with a pattern like:
t = 0:pi/10:2pi
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Hi both,
Thanks for these - just what I was looking for!
As in Julia we are spoilt for choice, we shouldn’t deprive ourselves :
using TensorCast
plot(t, @cast _[j][i] := z.(t)[i][j])