Although my question itself is JuMP related, the underlying problem relates to metaprogramming in general:
As the title suggests, I want to create a variable, which dimensions change depending on the numeric input provided. Preferably, this should be archived within the @variable macro. So far, I just write a uniform value into a dimension that was found to be non-existent. The performance gains from completely omitting these dimensions are not significant, but it would allow to greatly facilitate further parts of my code.
I have managed to introduce a new keyword argument “set_in” to the @variable macro that is expression of all relevant dimensions and filters the first input expression at the beginning of my new macro. Accordingly, the macro below will omit dimension i from the created variable.
using JuMP
m = Model()
VarDim_dic = Dict(:a => 1:8, :b =>
)@variable_new(m, x[a= VarDim_dic[:a], b= VarDim_dic[:b]], set_in =
(a ) ) )macro variable_new(args…)
extra, kw_args, requestedcontainer = _extract_kw_args(args[2:end])
extra = filterUsedSets(extra,set_in)
However, this obviously won’t work, if set_in is not a hard-coded, but generated dynamically as desired:
RelSets = Meta.parse(join(filter(x → !isempty(VarDim_dic
),collect(keys(VarDim_dic))),", "))@variable_new(m, x[a= VarDim_dic[:a],b= VarDim_dic][:b], set_in = RelSets )
I tried to add the filtering to the code being actually written by the macro as an expression, but did not succeed. So, first of all I would like to know, if what I’m trying to achieve is even possible and second, if I’ve there is a smarter way to this (For exampe, I thought about generating nested if clauses as well). I think, only if this is the case, it makes sense to have a closer look at my current code in detail. Thanks!