Hi guys,
I want to drop rows containing missing values in an array. I can do this by converting the array to a df, and then using the skipmissing function from DataFrames.jl but I prefer to operate on an array rather than doing anything in the data frame to reduce memory consumption. CMIIW
function drop_missing(A::AbstractArray)
ncol = size(A,2)
a = []
for i in eachrow(A)
if sum(ismissing.(i))==0
a = vcat(a,i)
return permutedims(reshape(a, (ncol, :)))
X = ["Alex" "A" 28; "Bond" "A" missing;
"Anna" "B" 25; "cyntia" "B" 27;
"Clara" "A" 22; "Danny" "B" 24]
drop_missing(X) # 5x3 matrix, excluding the second one
is there a better way to do this?? may be a more efficient way. plus how to inplace the original array?