Drawing stripped dodged bar charts in Makie

I tried to create a dodged stripped barplot where bars from each plot have different strip directions.

After consulting the documentation about dodged bars and stripped bars, I came up with the following short example:

using CairoMakie

cats = repeat(Float64[1, 2], inner=2)
heights = repeat(Float64[1, 2], outer=2)
group = repeat([1, 2], outer=2)

directions = [[1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0]]
patterns = Any[Makie.LinePattern(background_color=(:red, 0.5), direction=direction) for direction in directions]

fig = Figure()
barplot(fig[1, 1], cats, heights, dodge=group, color=patterns[group])

However, I got the following error message:

ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Makie.LinePattern to an object of type Float32

The individual line patterns seem to be valid, as the following code that uses just one line pattern for every bar works fine:

fig2 = Figure()
barplot(fig2[1, 1], cats, heights, dodge=group, color=patterns[1])

I wonder where my code went wrong. Thank you very much for the help!

@jules I am currently also stack with this. Is there an easy work around ?
(maybe sorry for the audacity to ping directly :sweat_smile:)

Patterns currently only work when there’s one per plot type. So you can’t use that with stacking, you’d have to create multiple barplots and make the stacking yourself using offset. But it’s not so difficult if you make one matrix of heights and then cumsum it along one dimension

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Some code that does that

using CairoMakie, Random

# data
	n = 10
	k = 3
	rng = Random.MersenneTwister(0);
	ys = [rand(rng, n) for _ in 1:k]
	xs = [1:n for _ in 1:k]

# transform data
	ys_flat = reduce(vcat, ys)
	xs_flat = reduce(vcat, xs)
	groups = reduce(vcat, [fill(i, length(x)) for (i,x) in enumerate(xs)])

# plot data
	colors = Makie.wong_colors()
	patterns = let
		patternsymbols = ["/", "x", "-"]
	[Pattern(pat, background_color=col, linecolor = :black) for (col,pat) in zip(colors, patternsymbols)]

	offsets = let
		ys_cumsum = accumulate(+, ys[1:end-1])
		pushfirst!(ys_cumsum, zero(ys_cumsum[1]))

# get Makie dodge x values
function compute_x(x, dodge; width=1, gap=0.2, dodge_gap=0.03)
    scale_width(dodge_gap, n_dodge) = (1 - (n_dodge - 1) * dodge_gap) / n_dodge
    function shift_dodge(i, dodge_width, dodge_gap)
        (dodge_width - 1) / 2 + (i - 1) * (dodge_width + dodge_gap)
    width *= 1 - gap
    n_dodge = maximum(dodge)
    dodge_width = scale_width(dodge_gap, n_dodge)
    shifts = shift_dodge.(dodge, dodge_width, dodge_gap)
    return x .+ width .* shifts
# Normal dodge barplot
	barplot(xs_flat, ys_flat; dodge=groups, color=colors[groups])

# Dodge barplot with patterns
	fig = Figure()

	a = Axis(fig[1,1])

	uniquegroups = unique(groups)
	dodge_gap = 0.03 #Makie default
	gap = 0.2 #Makie default
	width = 1 #Makie default	
	widthplot = width / (length(uniquegroups) + 0.2) # work around
	xs_explicit_flat = compute_x(xs_flat,  groups; width, gap, dodge_gap)

	for (g,pat) in zip(uniquegroups, patterns)
		indices = findall(==(g), groups)
		ys_g = ys_flat[indices]
		xs_g = xs_explicit_flat[indices]
		barplot!(a, xs_g, ys_g; color=pat, dodge_gap, gap, width=widthplot)

# Stacked barplot with pattern
	fig = Figure()

	a = Axis(fig[1,1])

	uniquegroups = unique(groups)
	dodge_gap = 0.03 #Makie default
	gap = 0.2 #Makie default
	width = 1 #Makie default	
	widthplot = width / (length(uniquegroups) + 0.2) # work around

	for (g,pat,offs) in zip(uniquegroups, patterns, offsets)
		indices = findall(==(g), groups)
		ys_g = ys_flat[indices]
		xs_g = xs_flat[indices]
		barplot!(a, xs_g, ys_g; color=pat, offset=offs, gap, width=widthplot)

Credits to Errorbars for grouped barplots · Issue #3300 · MakieOrg/Makie.jl · GitHub for the compute_x function. @jules do you think if the compute_x data could ever be provided by Makie directly ? Plus I had to use widthplot = width/3.2 instead of width for plotting. These both look very hacky and it would be nice if Makie could provide some interfaces/funcionalities here.