I’m trying to add arrows to my axes, but it isn’t working. I have
using Plots
x(u) = u
y(u) = sqrt(u)
y2(u) = -sqrt(u)
plot(x, [y, y2], 0, 5,
framestyle = :origin,
legend = :none,
linecolor = :blue,
draw_arrow = true,
axis = (draw_arrow = true)
Neither of the last two attributes throws an error, but neither add the arrows I want.
Plots doesn’t offer axis line arrows
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is there a triangle shape function? I bet we could fix that or atleast provide a hot-fix
Consider PGFPlotsX:
using PGFPlotsX
x = range(0, 5; length = 200)
y = .√x
@pgf Axis({ axis_lines = "left" },
Plot({ no_marks, blue }, Table(x, y)),
Plot({ no_marks, blue }, Table(x, .-y)))
October 27, 2019, 9:17pm
This is very pretty. Do you know where I can find more information on using PGFPlotsX in julia? Does it have documentation? I could only find examples for making PGFPlots in Latex.
docs.juliaplots.org listed it as an attribute, but you’re right. When I look at supported attributes, it isn’t supported by any of the libraries.
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Yes, it has detailed documentation.
But of course the pgfplots
(ie the LaTeX package) docs are also very useful, as explained in the docs — PGFPlotsX is just a thin layer.
If you can’t find something, just ask on this forum — quite a few examples came from actual use cases.
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October 27, 2022, 11:10am
The topic is old but there is still no difference between plot(draw_arrow=true)
and plot(draw_arrow=false)
although it appears in the axis’ attributes page.
A simple workaround in Plots.jl for this is:
using Plots; gr()
p = plot(exp ∘ exp, yaxis=:log, legend=:topleft, label="exp(exp(x))")
xl, yl = xlims(p), ylims(p)
annotate!(xl[2],yl[1], text('\u27A4',7,:black,rotation=0))
annotate!(xl[1],yl[2], text('\u27A4',7,:black,rotation=90))