Draw Parametric Equations from dsolve of SymPy with Plots

Hi all,

I want to draw parametric equations of x(t), y(t) but I got errors:
LoadError: AssertionError: !(F2 <: Function || F2 <: AbstractArray && F2.parameters[1] <: Function)

if I try


I got the same error:
AssertionError: !(F2 <: Function || F2 <: AbstractArray && F2.parameters[1] <: Function)

This is the full code:

using SymPy, Plots, LaTeXStrings, Plots.PlotMeasures
@syms t, g, r, A, u, h
@syms v()
@syms w()
@syms x()
@syms y()

# Computing IVP with SymPy
diffeqv = Eq(v(t).diff(t), -r*v(t)); string(diffeqv)
diffeqw = Eq(w(t).diff(t), -g -r*w(t)); string(diffeqw)

# To solve the ODE, pass it and the function to solve with dsolve.
vt = dsolve(diffeqv, v(t))
wt = dsolve(diffeqw, w(t))

sol_vt = rhs(vt)
sol_wt = rhs(wt)

# To solve the Initial Value Problem, initial condition v(0) = u cos (A)
ivp_vt = dsolve(diffeqv, v(t), ics = Dict(v(0) => u*cos(A) ))
ivp_wt = dsolve(diffeqw, w(t), ics = Dict(w(0) => u*sin(A) ))

# Manual way
# Find the constant C₁
c1 = free_symbols(vt)[1]
# To solve the Initial Value Problem, initial condition v(0) = u cos (A)
C1 = solve(sol_vt(t=>0) ~ u*cos(A), c1)
#ivp_vt = sol_vt(c1=>C1[1])

# Part (b)
diffeqx = Eq(x(t).diff(t), rhs(ivp_vt));
diffeqy = Eq(y(t).diff(t), rhs(ivp_wt));

# To solve the ODE, pass it and the function to solve with dsolve.
xt = dsolve(diffeqx, x(t))
yt = dsolve(diffeqy, y(t))

sol_xt = rhs(xt)
sol_yt = rhs(yt)
ivp_xt = dsolve(diffeqx, x(t), ics = Dict(x(0) => 0 ))
ivp_yt = dsolve(diffeqy, y(t), ics = Dict(y(0) => h ))

println("Modeling with First Order Equations with Julia")
println("A baseball is thrown with the initial speed of u and initial angle of elevation is A")
println("v(t) is the horizontal component of the velocity of the thrown baseball")
println("w(t) is the vertical component of the velocity of the thrown baseball")
println("x(t) is the horizontal coordinate of the thrown baseball at time t")
println("y(t) is the vertical coordinate of the thrown baseball at time t")

println("The horizontal and vertical coordinates plot: ")

f = ivp_xt(u => 125, r => 1/5, A => pi/2)
g = ivp_yt(u => 125, r => 1/5, A => pi/2, g => 32, h => 3)

t = 0:0.1:100π
	legend=:topright, bottom_margin=5mm, 
	xlabel="time (seconds)", ylabel="coordinate (ft)",
	label=L" x(t), y(t) = \frac{u}{r} \cos \ A (1 - e^{-rt}), - \frac{gt}{r} + \frac{g + ur \ \sin \ A + hr^{2}}{r^{2}} - (\frac{u}{r} \ \sin \ A + \frac{g}{r^{2}})e^{-rt} ", 
	xformatter = x->string(Int(x/1)," "),
	size=(720, 360), tickfontsize=10)

The plot should look like this more or less:
Capture d’écran_2023-04-09_13-38-21

I didn’t check your math, but you need to call rhs on f and g to work with them as symbolic expressions.

Yes, on that I have tried to create a new code just to plot but still didn’t make it, parametric equations on x(t), y(t) is quite a hell

using SymPy, Plots, LaTeXStrings, Plots.PlotMeasures

u = 125
r = 1/5
h = 3
A = 25
g = 32

#int = range(0, stop=10, length=300)
int = 0:0.1:10.1π
x(t) = (u/r)*cos(A) - (u/r)*exp(-r*t)*cos(A)
y(t) = -(g*t/r) - (g/r^2)*exp(-r*t) - (u/r)*exp(-r*t)*sin(A) + (g + h*r^2 + r*u*sin(A))/(r^2)
# note the dot, which means compute x for all values in the int range
	label=L"x(t),y(t) = \frac{u}{r} \cos \ A (1 - e^{-rt}) , - \frac{gt}{r} + \frac{g + ur \ \sin \ A + hr^{2}}{r^{2}} - (\frac{u}{r} \ \sin \ A + \frac{g}{r^{2}})e^{-rt}",
# plot(x,y,0,2π)

I will try your suggestion then. Thanks

Capture d’écran_2023-04-09_19-50-06