Draw circuit schematic in pure Julia


I need to draw some circuit schematic like the following

And then embedding this schematic in my plots made with Makie.jl

The current approaches I have investigated so far are circuitkz and schemdraw. The first is directly embedded in latex, but I find it very difficult but also not so fancy as the image above. The second is a python package, which I’m still exploring now.

However, while I was trying schemdraw, I was thinking if this can be seamlessly done directly in Julia, maybe also directly using Makie.jl functions. But I don’t know if the amount of work to do worth it.

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In other words, how would you suggest to structure this possible package?

Should I define specific structs for Resistor, Capacitor, etc…, like in schemdraw? What should they contain? Like the poly object and what else?

Moreover, how should I manage the package dependencies? Should all CairoMakie.jl, GLMakie.jl, WGLMakie.jl be direct dependencies of the package? This would make it very heavy I think.

Finally, should I use Makie.jl’s recipes?

You could perhaps take a look at this one, which is somewhat similar:

Likely will have some overlap with:

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Wow, this package seems very advanced. But it seems more in the design rather than generic schematic like the figure I have attached. In other words, can this package reproduce an image similar to that?

Thank you for citing this package. I think however that the style is different from the image I have attached before.