There is a function task_local_storage() which gives you an IdDict which is local to your task. It can be used to store a vector under some name, e.g. with
v = get!(() -> Vector{Float64}(), task_local_storage(), :myvec)::Vector{Float64}
resize!(v, N)
Here’s a macro which automates away the uglyness, and creates a unique name for the vector:
macro tlscache(type)
sym = Expr(:quote, gensym("tls"))
get!(() -> $(esc(type))(), Base.task_local_storage(), ($sym,$(esc(type))))::$(esc(type))
Use as:
x = @tlscache Vector{Float64}
resize!(x, N)
By using resize!, the vector is only reallocated if the size N is larger then before. If N is always the same, you allocate only the first time, and you get one vector per task.
That does seem to be it - I can also see in top that it’s the resident memory that increases. Whether this is a true “memory leak” in the sense that the memory is inaccessible to the GC is debatable (presumable it could be freed & is technically reachable by the GC?), but the point that this increase is unexpected holds.
I am wondering whether this might be related to this Julia issue:
but I can’t reproduce the OOM with your example. According to the issue thread return nothing from the threaded loop might help in reducing the memory problems.