October 14, 2021, 1:19pm
I have 20 land/sea masks (gridded data at 360x180 degrees). I want to save them into a cell array called A. In Matlab I would do this:
A{1} = grid1;
A{2} = grid2;
How could I do the same thing in Julia, so that I could save the data into my hard disk?
Many thanks!
October 14, 2021, 1:39pm
no idea what a cell array is, but it sounds like you just want to save 20 x (360*180) matrix to disk?
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In Julia you can for an array of whatever, even arrays (matrices):
julia> grid1 = rand(5,5)
5Ć5 Matrix{Float64}:
0.467714 0.429285 0.116773 0.350455 0.909679
0.229699 0.293745 0.227465 0.736049 0.179704
0.48666 0.493857 0.506317 0.331685 0.743395
0.869754 0.633566 0.916483 0.831438 0.274217
0.455223 0.752233 0.269686 0.442151 0.651999
julia> grid2 = rand(5,5)
5Ć5 Matrix{Float64}:
0.478697 0.176438 0.830284 0.56271 0.432144
0.00510756 0.766706 0.921948 0.0810255 0.373836
0.453284 0.608438 0.951807 0.83593 0.519139
0.219918 0.265063 0.555579 0.84804 0.393806
0.154247 0.50338 0.192671 0.042116 0.494513
julia> A = [grid1,grid2]
2-element Vector{Matrix{Float64}}:
[0.46771415724714926 0.4292854363387988 ā¦ 0.3504553296801125 0.9096786834636816; 0.22969946979881595 0.2937453236076222 ā¦ 0.7360487498460107 0.17970412714281903; ā¦ ; 0.8697537712407086 0.6335658434161404 ā¦ 0.8314382719780808 0.27421748106887356; 0.45522271387465585 0.7522332919993941 ā¦ 0.4421514101796373 0.6519989589354669]
[0.47869695976448257 0.17643786983846477 ā¦ 0.5627096043033888 0.43214393313605615; 0.005107555825969223 0.7667060072342782 ā¦ 0.08102553389395828 0.3738361340817895; ā¦ ; 0.21991757626344777 0.2650633914215146 ā¦ 0.8480400033537479 0.39380618071394813; 0.15424713548386948 0.5033801812588259 ā¦ 0.04211599433014168 0.4945127946146868]
julia> A[1]
5Ć5 Matrix{Float64}:
0.467714 0.429285 0.116773 0.350455 0.909679
0.229699 0.293745 0.227465 0.736049 0.179704
0.48666 0.493857 0.506317 0.331685 0.743395
0.869754 0.633566 0.916483 0.831438 0.274217
0.455223 0.752233 0.269686 0.442151 0.651999
October 14, 2021, 1:45pm
Many thanks, That will solve my issue.
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