Does Julia have something equivalent to matlab's Cell Array?

I have 20 land/sea masks (gridded data at 360x180 degrees). I want to save them into a cell array called A. In Matlab I would do this:
A{1} = grid1;
A{2} = grid2;

How could I do the same thing in Julia, so that I could save the data into my hard disk?

Many thanks!

no idea what a cell array is, but it sounds like you just want to save 20 x (360*180) matrix to disk?

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In Julia you can for an array of whatever, even arrays (matrices):

julia> grid1 = rand(5,5)

5Ɨ5 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.467714  0.429285  0.116773  0.350455  0.909679
 0.229699  0.293745  0.227465  0.736049  0.179704
 0.48666   0.493857  0.506317  0.331685  0.743395
 0.869754  0.633566  0.916483  0.831438  0.274217
 0.455223  0.752233  0.269686  0.442151  0.651999

julia> grid2 = rand(5,5)
5Ɨ5 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.478697    0.176438  0.830284  0.56271    0.432144
 0.00510756  0.766706  0.921948  0.0810255  0.373836
 0.453284    0.608438  0.951807  0.83593    0.519139
 0.219918    0.265063  0.555579  0.84804    0.393806
 0.154247    0.50338   0.192671  0.042116   0.494513

julia> A = [grid1,grid2]
2-element Vector{Matrix{Float64}}:
 [0.46771415724714926 0.4292854363387988 ā€¦ 0.3504553296801125 0.9096786834636816; 0.22969946979881595 0.2937453236076222 ā€¦ 0.7360487498460107 0.17970412714281903; ā€¦ ; 0.8697537712407086 0.6335658434161404 ā€¦ 0.8314382719780808 0.27421748106887356; 0.45522271387465585 0.7522332919993941 ā€¦ 0.4421514101796373 0.6519989589354669]
 [0.47869695976448257 0.17643786983846477 ā€¦ 0.5627096043033888 0.43214393313605615; 0.005107555825969223 0.7667060072342782 ā€¦ 0.08102553389395828 0.3738361340817895; ā€¦ ; 0.21991757626344777 0.2650633914215146 ā€¦ 0.8480400033537479 0.39380618071394813; 0.15424713548386948 0.5033801812588259 ā€¦ 0.04211599433014168 0.4945127946146868]

julia> A[1]
5Ɨ5 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.467714  0.429285  0.116773  0.350455  0.909679
 0.229699  0.293745  0.227465  0.736049  0.179704
 0.48666   0.493857  0.506317  0.331685  0.743395
 0.869754  0.633566  0.916483  0.831438  0.274217
 0.455223  0.752233  0.269686  0.442151  0.651999

Many thanks, That will solve my issue.

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