Dear all,
Any idea on how I can make the documentation for this function called utility accesible to the user once an instance of this type has been created?
immutable Fundamentals
# Calibrated
α::Float64 # Utility cost of working
β::Float64 # Discount factor
γ_bar::Float64 # Average search cost
ϵ_γ::Float64 # Standard deviation search cost
ρ_z::Float64 # Persistance productivity process
σ_ϵ::Float64 # Standard deviation productivity process
σ_q::Float64 # Standard deviation match quality process
λ_e::Float64 # Probability of finding another job for employed agents
λ_u::Float64 # Probability of finding a job for unemployed agents
λ_n::Float64 # Probability of finding a jon for OLF agents
σ::Float64 # Probability of losing a job for employed agents
# Assigned
μ::Float64 # Average duration
b_0::Float64 # Default replacement ratio
b_bar::Float64 # Benefits cap
θ::Float64 # Capital share of output in the aggregate production function
δ::Float64 # Capital depreciation
τ::Float64 # Proportional tax on labor income
# Numerical
gp_a::Int64 # Grid points for assets
gp_z::Int64 # Grid points for match productivity process
gp_q::Int64 # Grid points for match quality process
gp_γ::Int64 # Grid points for match grid points for search effort
min_a::Float64 # Minimum level of assets
max_a::Float64 # Maximum level of assets
cover_z::Int64 # Number of standard deviations to each side the productivity process
cover_q::Int64 # Number of standard deviations to each side the match quality process
# Grids
a_values::Vector{Float64} # Values for assets
z_values::Vector{Float64} # Values producitivy process
q_values::Vector{Float64} # Values match quality process
γ_values::Vector{Float64} # Values search cost process
Iᴮ_values::Vector{Bool} # Values UI status
# Tranistion matrices
z_z′::Array{Float64,2} # Productivity process
q_q′::Vector{Float64} # Match quality
γ_γ′::Vector{Float64} # Search costs
Iᴮ_Iᴮ′::Array{Float64,2} # UI
# Utility
utility::Function # Utility function
function Fundamentals(;
α::Float64 = 0.485,
β::Float64 = 0.99465,
γ_bar::Float64 = 0.042,
ϵ_γ::Float64 = 0.030,
ρ_z::Float64 = 0.996,
σ_ϵ::Float64 = 0.096,
σ_q::Float64 = 0.034,
λ_e::Float64 = 0.121,
λ_u::Float64 = 0.278,
λ_n::Float64 = 0.182,
σ::Float64 = 0.0178,
μ::Float64 = 1.0/6.0,
b_0::Float64 = 0.23,
b_bar::Float64 = 0.465,
θ::Float64 = 0.3,
δ::Float64 = 0.0067,
τ::Float64 = 0.3,
gp_a::Int64 = 48,
gp_q::Int64 = 7,
gp_z::Int64 = 20,
gp_γ::Int64 = 3,
min_a::Float64 = 0.0,
max_a::Float64 = 1440.0,
cover_z::Int64 = 2,
cover_q::Int64 = 2
# Grid for assets
a_values = loggrid(min_a, max_a, gp_a)
# Productivity process
z_process = tauchen(gp_z, ρ_z, σ_ϵ, 0.0, cover_z)
z_values = exp.(z_process.state_values) # Unpack vector values associated with states
z_z′ = z_process.p # Unpack transition matrix
# Match quality process
q_process = tauchen(gp_q, 0.0, σ_q, 0.0, cover_q)
q_values = exp.(q_process.state_values) # Unpack vector values associated with states
q_q′ = q_process.p[1,:] # Unpack probability distribution (ρ = 0.0)
# Search cost process
γ_values = [γ_bar - ϵ_γ, γ_bar, γ_bar + ϵ_γ] # Vector of search costs
γ_γ′ = fill(1.0/length(γ_values), length(γ_values)) # Unifrom probability distribution
# UI process
Iᴮ_values = [true, false] # Vector of UI indicator values
Iᴮ_Iᴮ′ = [μ 1.0-μ; 0.0 1.0] # Tranistion matrix UI eligibility
# Utility function
utility(consumption[, works, searches, ind_γ])
Compute instantaneous utility as in Krusell et al.
# Arguments
- `consumption::Float64` : amount of consumption
- `works::Bool` : whether the agent works
- `searches:: Bool` : whether the agent seraches
- `ind_γ::Int64` : index of the serach shock
utility = function(
works::Bool = false,
searches::Bool = false,
ind_γ::Int64 = 0
if searches
if ind_γ > 0
aux_search = γ_values[ind_γ]*searches
throw(ArgumentError("When searches is true,
realisation_γ needs to be a valid index for γ"))
if works
throw(ArgumentError("Agent cannot work and search simultaneously"))
aux_search = 0.
if consumption <= 0.
return -1e10
return log(consumption) - (α*works) - aux_search
new(α, β, γ_bar, ϵ_γ, ρ_z, σ_ϵ, σ_q, λ_e, λ_u, λ_n, σ,
μ, b_0, b_bar, θ, δ, τ,
gp_a, gp_z, gp_q, gp_γ, min_a, max_a, cover_z, cover_q,
a_values, z_values, q_values, γ_values, Iᴮ_values,
z_z′, q_q′, γ_γ′, Iᴮ_Iᴮ′,