Do we need a policy against one-liner registered packages?

Yes, those are terribly outdated. Nobody should be using my fork of Registrator anymore. Use GitHub - GunnarFarneback/LocalRegistry.jl: Create and maintain local registries for Julia packages. instead.


Yes, currently if I try to add an installed on my computer but unregistered package to another one under development, I get an ERROR: expected package blablabla [12345678] to be registered.

Why wouldn’t it be possible to add the source of this unregistered package to the Project.toml (e.g. in a separate section source)?

Then allow adding it to other packages and sharing these. Maybe with a warning when I add a dependency to such package, and also when one installs a package with dependencies on unregistered packages.


If you send the Manifest.toml, then it should work (because it stores the URLs there, as well as the exact versions of every dependency and the exact commit of unregistered dependencies).


Or, depending on your use-case, provide a script which does Pkg.add before activating the project. See ?Pkg.add for instructions on how to install a project from a Git url. The benefit is that you don’t have to commit the Manifest.toml and keep the Git diff more clear as well as that it will automatically install the newest version unlike the manifest.