Displaying plots alongside each other in Pluto

I have made plots in VegaLite. I want to display the plots alongside each other in a pluto notebook. The standard way to do this would be to combine the plots as below
Plots.plot(plot1, plot2, layout = (2,1))
but that does not work with VegaLite (the error is “Cannot convert VegaLite.VLSpec to series data for plotting”)

Anyone got any ideas? Is there a way to arrange Pluto cells alongside each other?

The code that illustrates the problem is below (TOML contents redacted for brevity):

# v0.20.4

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils

# ╔═╡ b6eea494-c11b-11ef-2081-d91d6453fe0a
	using VegaLite
	using Plots
	using DataFrames

# ╔═╡ 10c903d1-2d5d-4a90-836a-966b01aa6e13
	x = collect(1:10)
	y = x .^ 2
	y2 = sqrt.(x)

# ╔═╡ 65712402-f526-44a1-af9c-329aee310ea0
function make_plot(x, y, lab)
    dd = DataFrame(x = x, y = y)
	p = dd |> VegaLite.@vlplot(
        title = "chart $lab",
	return p

# ╔═╡ 139ccb35-73e5-46f4-8bd0-1f9a71f16768

# ╔═╡ 0c320865-c5c3-483b-ad67-faccdd36b5df
Plots.plot(make_plot(x,y,"squared"), make_plot(x,y2,"sqrt"), layout = (2,1)) ```

Can you put two plots into a table environment?

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Have you tried using + to combine multiple @vlplots together?

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Should work with simple markdown:
md"$plot1 $plot2"

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Sorry for slow response, got tied up in Christmas.
Thanks for these suggestions. I managed to get the table working as well as markout and making a vector of plots.
The addition of the two plots did not work for me (it just displays the first of the two in that case)

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