Displaying a DataFrame in jupyter without column types

I’d like to display a dataframe without secondary header of types in jupyter cell output but can not figure out how to do it. My best attempt prints HTML that I want but does not render it.

using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(a=1:2, b=3:4)
show(stdout, MIME("text/html"), df; eltypes=false)

PrettyTables.jl has a nosubheader option for this.

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You can just do show(df; nosubheader = true). show for DataFrame forwards keyword arguments to pretty_table

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The problem is that it is in Jupyter Notebook.

After Use PrettyTables.jl as HTML backend by ronisbr · Pull Request #3096 · JuliaData/DataFrames.jl · GitHub using these options will be possible (CC @Ronis_BR)


This gives a result in plain text which does not look as good

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This works but renders with a different theme for some reason

The reason is that show for data frame has a custom theme.

The issue is that by default display is used to show things in Jupyter Notebook.

@Ronis_BR - in Use PrettyTables.jl as HTML backend by ronisbr · Pull Request #3096 · JuliaData/DataFrames.jl · GitHub I think we should make sure that users can properly customize displaying of data frames in Jupyter Notebooks. OK?

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Hi @artemsolod,

In the released version, PrettyTables is not used to render HTML. It will be available when that PR mentioned by @bkamins is merged. This is the reason why you are seeing a different theme when using PrettyTables (side note: this default print will change in the next release of PrettyTables).

Hi @bkamins,

In this PR, we already have the possibility to pass any argument to PrettyTables just as the text backend so that the user can customize the output:


For future reference, I have found that I can use HTML() to render with my original code

function show_noheader(df)
    iobuf = IOBuffer()
    show(iobuf, MIME("text/html"), df; eltypes=false)


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