Here is a snippet that illustrates my problem:
const Asn = Array{Tuple{String,Int64},1}
Base.summary(io::IO, x::Asn) =
print(io, *([s[1] for s in x]...), " = ", *([s[2] for s in x]...))
Base.show(io::IO, x::Asn) = print(io, summary(x))
x = Asn([("a",1),("b",2),("c",3)]);
The output of this code is:
abc = 6:
("a", 1)
("b", 2)
("c", 3)
I would like to have this shorter output instead, similar to a print(x):
abc = 6
Would you have some suggestion on how to do this?
Also, I would like to understand why the extra lines comes in the display.