Is there a disk backed Dict somewhere? I would like to be able to do the following:
d = DiskBackedDict{K,V}(mypath)::Associative{K,V} # load or create new one if not existing
x = d[foo] # this is as fast as an ordinary Dict lookup.
d[bar] = y # this may be dog slow, but the result must be stored at mypath
d2 = DiskBackedDict{K,V}(mypath) # error mypath already in use
Wondering how big is the dictionary of data you are thinking about using? If it’s smaller one can roll a simple solution fairly quickly in a couple of hours.
Not sure if one already exists
Not big, maybe 100mb at most. I guess its indeed not too hard to implement this. However if there is an existing solution I would prefer that. Also there are some implementation issues I am unsure about:
For storage of arbitrary julia objects, JLD is the only option I can think of. But I don’t know if there is a way to modify a value in a JLD file. The only way I am aware of is delete the file and save the modified version.
I am not sure how to do the locking of a path that belongs to an active DiskBackedDict.
What you are essentially doing is making something like key-value based store - and it’s not that difficult to make a Julia for them. I made one back in 2015 for Aerospike, that we use for our product at
It is an INI like file but it fits much better to Julia since the type of the values can be specified. If you don’t have to complicated types this could be a very goos solution. One big plus for me was that I can hand edit the files.