Discussion on "Why I no longer recommend Julia" by Yuri Vishnevsky

I’m sympathetic to Yuri’s larger point: Julia as a language and ecosystem is permissive by default. You can easily combine packages in ways that are unlikely to work and get mired in the weeds. For example, I can easily imagine attempting to differentiate a distributed SVD of a BlockedArray filled with Unitful Quaternions. Sure, that’s an absurd example and it’s unlikely to work, but I can imagine how it might work and may even be able to construct the problem statement in a few lines of code. And heck, if I’m intrepid, I think I could make it work.

That’s also the promise of Julia: you can (sometimes) take two unrelated packages that know nothing about each other and the combination suddenly provides powerful new functionality. Often with no code changes. And it’s amazing.

But sometimes a package doesn’t quite do what the other expects. It’ll typically just error, but OffsetArrays are a very obvious and salient example where it can result in silent corruption due to @inbounds.