Discussion categories

Do we have a way to move the posts from the Juno discourse to here?

I think @malmaud may have looked into that sort of thing in the original Discourse push.

That practically ends the discussion on the supposed danger from too much splitting of domains. If a suggested category is objectively more than two levels deep, it should get rejected (and not artificially promoted to a higher level), so the remaining categories will be necessarily broad enough. If a broad category still doesn’t attract much traffic, that can serve as an indication that the Julia community hasn’t managed yet to properly address it and may inspire some GSoC Project Ideas.

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There is also a decent amount of activity in the Portuguese Gitter chat room, JuliaLangPt/julia - Gitter :wink:
Interesting that Greek has overtaken Spanish in the Julia docs i18n effort!

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How about a category “teaching” or maybe as a sub-category of usage?