Digression about privacy over OpenTelemetry.jl

OpenTelemetry is a merging of https://opentracing.io/ and OpenCensus,
as seen from the top of the latter:
Partners and contributors can be seen from the OpenCensus introduction page.

So while I can believe that for you it “just refers to distributed tracing/logging”,
it may actually encompass the kind of telemetry that has been rejected.
That’s why I’d hope OpenTelemetry.jl to be developed and used in other packages
with specific caution about privacy
(it’s the general culture in julia, so I’m pretty confident the outcome will be satisfying).

To put in other words: when working on a local machine or grid (no cloud of course),
I want to be confident that no data is leaked elsewhere.
For now this seems to be the default,
which allows to add packages without losing time to investigate “privacy policies”.

If packages using OpenTelemetry.jl can still respect that, then it’s fine.