I want to differentiate through a QP following the tutorial from DiffOpt. The QP in question:
I would like to differentiate wrt to h, q, and G. I do that in three ways:
- Using the paper cited on DiffOpt website: dwh, dwq, dwG
- Using DiffOpt: dxh, dxq, dxG
- Using a paper on QP sensitivity: dxih,dxiq,dxiG
The first two are identical regardless of the method dwh=dxh=dxih, dwq=dxq=dxiq. There are differences in dwG, dxG, dxiG, so that dwG=dxiG, but dxiG \neq dxG. Given that the result from DiffOpt is different from the other two, how should I compute dxG?
I am also happy to admit that I made a mistake in matrix computations using the methods from the papers.
using JuMP
import DiffOpt
import Ipopt
n = 2 # variable dimension
m = 1; # no of inequality constraints
Q = [4.0 1.0; 1.0 2.0]
q = [1.0; 1.0]
G = [1.0 1.0]
h = [-1.0] # initial values set
model = Model(() -> DiffOpt.diff_optimizer(Ipopt.Optimizer))
@variable(model, x[1:2])
@constraint(model, cons[j in 1:1], sum(G[j, i] * x[i] for i in 1:2) <= h[j]);
1 / 2 * sum(Q[j, i] * x[i] * x[j] for i in 1:2, j in 1:2) +
sum(q[i] * x[i] for i in 1:2)
result = value.(x)
###########From Amos and Kolter (2017)
q = q
G = G
h = h
Q = Q
LHM = [
Q transpose(G)
Diagonal(dual.(cons))*G Diagonal(G*value.(x)-h)
LHMinv = inv(LHM)
k1 = length(LHM[:,1])
k2 = length(Diagonal(dual.(cons))[1,:])
RHMb = [zeros(k1-k2,k2)
Diagonal(dual.(cons))] #Matrix(1.0I, size(h)[1])
RHMc = [-Matrix(1.0I, 2,2)
RHMc = [-Matrix(1.0I, 2,2)
dallb = LHMinv*RHMb ####both w and λ
dallc = LHMinv*RHMc ####both w and λ
dwh = dallb[1:2,:] ####picking only w
dwq = dallc[1:2,:] ####picking only w
dAm = zeros(size(G))
dwA = []
for i = 1:2
dAm = zeros(size(G))
dAm[i] = 1.0 ######Do for every element of G
RHMA = [
-transpose(dAm).* dual.(cons)
-Diagonal(dual.(cons)).* dAm* value.(x)
dallAtemp = LHMinv * RHMA
dwAtemp=dallAtemp[1:2,1:end] ####picking only w
push!(dwA, dwAtemp)
dwG = reduce(hcat,dwA)
@show dwh,dwq,dwG
########Trying out DiffOpt
0.0 * index(x[1]) - 1.0, # to indicate the direction vector to get directional derivatives
dxh = MOI.get.(model, DiffOpt.ForwardVariablePrimal(), x)
# MOI.set(
# model,
# DiffOpt.ForwardObjectiveFunction(),
# x[1]
# )
# DiffOpt.forward_differentiate!(model)
# dxc1 = MOI.get.(model, DiffOpt.ForwardVariablePrimal(), x)
# MOI.set(
# model,
# DiffOpt.ForwardObjectiveFunction(),
# x[2]
# )
# DiffOpt.forward_differentiate!(model)
# dxc2 = MOI.get.(model, DiffOpt.ForwardVariablePrimal(), x)
# dxq = hcat(dxc1,dxc2)
# MOI.set(
# model,
# DiffOpt.ForwardConstraintFunction(),
# cons[1],
# 1.0 * index(x[1]) - 0.0 # to indicate the direction vector to get directional derivatives
# )
# DiffOpt.forward_differentiate!(model)
# dxA1 = MOI.get.(model, DiffOpt.ForwardVariablePrimal(), x)
# MOI.set(
# model,
# DiffOpt.ForwardConstraintFunction(),
# cons[1],
# 1.0 * index(x[2]) - 0.0 # to indicate the direction vector to get directional derivatives
# )
# DiffOpt.forward_differentiate!(model)
# dxA2 = MOI.get.(model, DiffOpt.ForwardVariablePrimal(), x)
# dxG = hcat(dxA1,dxA2)
@show dxh,dxq,dxG
################From Boot (1963)
vh = (G*Q^(-1)*G')^(-1)*(G*Q^(-1)*(-q)-h)
dxiG = hcat(dxiA1,dxiA2)
@show dxih,dxiq,dxiG;