I use the following code to select a set of linearly independent columns from a matrix
function give_independent(X)
chol = cholfact!(X'X, :U, Val{true})
ipermute!(diag(chol.factors) .> 0, chol.piv)
However I obtain different results in Julia 0.6.2 and 0.6.3
v1 = [1.51522, 1.91087, 1.6913, 1.88696, 1.26522, 3.19783, 3.09565, 3.03043, 4.13913, 2.27174, 1.61522, 1.43913, 2.02826, 2.45652, 0.906522, 0.543478, -0.141304, 0.528261, 5.53261, 2.98043, 2.92609, -1.87174, 0.941304, -1.53696, -1.21087, -5.63696, -8.33913, -4.82826, -8.2, -0.734783, -3.18478, -3.88913, -3.9087, -0.0130435, -1.13478, -1.10217, 2.59565, 0.530435, -0.0608696, -2.02826, -1.78478, -2.46087, 3.12826, 1.15652, -0.493478, -0.956522, 1.6587, 0.728261, 0.0326087, 3.18043, -0.973913, 0.128261, 0.741304, 2.16304, 2.28913, -6.53696, -5.03913, -13.7283, -1.2, -7.23478, -0.0847826, -0.58913, -0.908696, 0.686957, 0.0652174, -1.50217, -2.60435, 0.130435, 0.23913, 4.07174, 4.61522, 3.83913, 4.02826, 2.95652, 3.40652, 1.94348, 1.4587, 1.42826, 1.43261, 1.98043, 0.526087, 0.928261, 0.441304, -0.936957, 1.78913, -0.136957, -2.93913, -2.72826, -6.1, 4.36522]
v2 = [-25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -25.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -23.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261, -22.8261]
give_independent(hcat(v1, v1, v2))
# Julia 0.6.2. returns [false, true, true]
# Julia 0.6.3. returns [true, true , true]
Julia 0.6.3. does not return the result I expected since the first and second columns are linearly dependent.
What changed between the two versions? What should I do to obtain the correct set of linearly independent vectors in 0.6.3?