Different parsing for the same expr in v06. and v07

here is from v0.6

julia> ex = :(begin
            Fun(x, Var(y)), if x == y end => true
            _ => false
quote  # REPL[8], line 2:
    (Fun(x, Var(y)), if x == y # REPL[8], line 2:
            end) => true # REPL[8], line 3:
    _ => false

julia> ex.head

julia> ex.args
4-element Array{Any,1}:
 :( # REPL[8], line 2:)
 :((Fun(x, Var(y)), if x == y # REPL[8], line 2:
            end) => true)
 :( # REPL[8], line 3:)
 :(_ => false)

julia> ex.args[2].head

Here is the same ex in v0.7

julia> ex = :(begin
            Fun(x, Var(y)), if x == y end => true
            _ => false
    #= REPL[15]:2 =#
    (Fun(x, Var(y)), if x == y
                #= REPL[15]:2 =#
            end => true)
    #= REPL[15]:3 =#
    _ => false

julia> ex.head

julia> ex.args
4-element Array{Any,1}:
 :(#= REPL[15]:2 =#)
 :((Fun(x, Var(y)), if x == y
              #= REPL[15]:2 =#
          end => true))
 :(#= REPL[15]:3 =#)
 :(_ => false)

julia> ex.args[2].head

Why is the change? Can someone explain it to me?