Different output of printf on Julia nightly build

Hi, I find that @printf is giving me a different output on a nightly build version of Julia.

For the released versions, I get the following:

julia> using Printf

julia> v = 1e-6

julia> @printf "<1e%2.2d" ceil(Integer, max(nextfloat(log10(v)), -99))

But, on a nightly build (v1.7.0-DEV), I get the following:

julia> @printf "<1e%2.2d" ceil(Integer, max(nextfloat(log10(v)), -99))

Is such a change intentional?

I test the output of a show method for a type on GitHub CI across different Julia versions. The above change has failed the CI tasks. So, I also wonder whether I should do something to fix it and how.
