I’m getting an error using sciml to train a DiffEqFlux tutorial. I used the same exact code with some modifications last summer with no problems but can’t seem to find a solution. I am using Julia v.1.7.1
using DiffEqFlux, OrdinaryDiffEq, Flux, Optim, Plots
u0 = Float32[2.0; 0.0]
datasize = 30
tspan = (0.0f0, 1.5f0)
tsteps = range(tspan[1], tspan[2], length = datasize)
function trueODEfunc(du, u, p, t)
true_A = [-0.1 2.0; -2.0 -0.1]
du .= ((u.^3)'true_A)'
prob_trueode = ODEProblem(trueODEfunc, u0, tspan)
ode_data = Array(solve(prob_trueode, Tsit5(), saveat = tsteps))
dudt2 = FastChain((x, p) -> x.^3,
FastDense(2, 50, tanh),
FastDense(50, 2))
prob_neuralode = NeuralODE(dudt2, tspan, Tsit5(), saveat = tsteps)
function predict_neuralode(p)
Array(prob_neuralode(u0, p))
function loss_neuralode(p)
pred = predict_neuralode(p)
loss = sum(abs2, ode_data .- pred)
return loss, pred
# Callback function to observe training
list_plots = []
iter = 0
callback = function ( l, pred; doplot = false)
global list_plots, iter
if iter == 0
list_plots = []
iter += 1
# plot current prediction against data
plt = scatter(tsteps, ode_data[1,:], label = "data")
scatter!(plt, tsteps, pred[1,:], label = "prediction")
push!(list_plots, plt)
if doplot
return false
result_neuralode = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train(loss_neuralode, prob_neuralode.p,
ADAM(0.05), cb = callback,
maxiters = 300)
With the error being:
MethodError: no method matching (OptimizationFunction{false, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, OptimizationFunction{true, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#84#89"{typeof(loss_neuralode)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, GalacticOptim.var"#268#278"{GalacticOptim.var"#267#277"{OptimizationFunction{true, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#84#89"{typeof(loss_neuralode)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Nothing}}, GalacticOptim.var"#271#281"{GalacticOptim.var"#267#277"{OptimizationFunction{true, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#84#89"{typeof(loss_neuralode)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Nothing}}, GalacticOptim.var"#276#286", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing})(::OptimizationFunction{true, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#84#89"{typeof(loss_neuralode)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, ::GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, ::GalacticOptim.var"#268#278"{GalacticOptim.var"#267#277"{OptimizationFunction{true, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#84#89"{typeof(loss_neuralode)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Nothing}}, ::GalacticOptim.var"#271#281"{GalacticOptim.var"#267#277"{OptimizationFunction{true, GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, DiffEqFlux.var"#84#89"{typeof(loss_neuralode)}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}, Nothing}}, ::GalacticOptim.var"#276#286", ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing)
[1] instantiate_function(f::Function, x::Vector{Float32}, ::GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, p::Nothing, num_cons::Int64)
@ GalacticOptim C:\Users\User 1\.julia\packages\GalacticOptim\fow0r\src\function\zygote.jl:40
[2] instantiate_function(f::Function, x::Vector{Float32}, ::GalacticOptim.AutoZygote, p::Nothing)
@ GalacticOptim C:\Users\User 1\.julia\packages\GalacticOptim\fow0r\src\function\zygote.jl:4
[3] sciml_train(::typeof(loss_neuralode), ::Vector{Float32}, ::ADAM, ::Nothing; lower_bounds::Nothing, upper_bounds::Nothing, maxiters::Int64, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, var"#43#45", Tuple{Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:cb,), Tuple{var"#43#45"}}})
@ DiffEqFlux C:\Users\User 1\.julia\packages\DiffEqFlux\gH716\src\train.jl:87
I’m not sure if it could be the specific version of Julia that I’m using. This is directly from a tutorial at Optimization of Ordinary Differential Equations · DiffEqFlux.jl
Any thoughts?