DiffEq Plotting Question

Hello, I have the results of a differential equation I solved with DifferentialEquations.jl. Each of the results of the solution are stored in an (n x n+1) array, as so:

4×5 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.0       -1.0           -1.0            -1.0          0.0
 -1.0       -1.0           -1.0             9.89029e-11  1.90176e-17
 -1.0       -1.0         1681.92            0.00290038   1.72268e-10
  6.022e23   2.86406e17     4.22592e10  12482.0          0.000225923

I was wondering if would be possible to isolate specific values from all of the equations to be plotted.
The reason why is primarily due to the -1.0’s, which I used as a placeholder since I don’t actually need to solve them, and I don’t know what to use otherwise as a placeholder since NaN breaks the solver.

Primarily, the point is to be able to have a log plot for all the positive values (and any 0’s if they appear), but with the negatives I can’t really do that.

If anyone has any ideas to solve my problem I would greatly appreciate it!

plot(sol, idxs = [1,6,9]) using column-order indexing.