i have this function where i’m using PyCall and SymPy:
using SymPy
using PyCall
function op_mat(op)
op = op[:as_poly](domain="C") # return the input as a polynom
op_a = op.x[:gens] # give us the generators of the polynom for example x and y
nab = op[:length]()
op_ab = ones(SymPy.Sym, nab)
coef = zeros(Complex, nab)
mat = zeros(Int64, length(op_a), nab)
for (i, (ps, c)) in enumerate(op[:as_dict]())
for (j, p) in enumerate(ps)
mat[j, i] = p
op_ab[i] = op_a[j]^p * op_ab[i]
coef[i] = c
return op_a, op_ab, mat, coef
but everytime i call this function op_mat(x+y)
of course with x=symbols("x") ; y=symbols("y")
i get this error:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Sym, ::Symbol)
Closest candidates are:
getindex(::Sym, ::Sym...) at /Users/midow/.julia/packages/SymPy/1Cwgd/src/utils.jl:18
getindex(::Number) at number.jl:75
getindex(::Number, ::Integer) at number.jl:77
[1] op_mat(::Sym) at /Users/midow/.julia/packages/QuantumRelay/pjKWG/src/operateurs.jl:70
[2] top-level scope at REPL[7]:1
i don’t k,ow if a problem of syntax or not