Dict can't find a key it already said is there?

I’m confused I have this piece of code (see below, the important part is the the push! … line), it will push a value to a set located in a dict at a key (called “coord”) that we have already verified exists in the dict using a “coord in dict.keys” test. Mostly this code runs well, but from time to time, it fails with an error message like **ERROR:** KeyError: key (487, 466) not found" (the actual numbers vary between the tests).

I’m very confused by this. Also I’m not very experienced with Julia, so there may easily be stupid things I’ve done :-).

The full source code can be found here: https://github.com/la3lma/julia-playground/blob/master/ParticleMovement.jl

To reproduce the error, run “runSmoketest(10)” after loading the module.

  function partition(particles::Set{ParticleState}, xdim::Int64, ydim::Int64, maxx::Float64, maxy::Float64)
      dict = Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Set{ParticleState}}()
      for p in particles
          coord = pointToImageCoord(p.pos, xdim, ydim, maxx, maxy)
      	  if (coord in dict.keys)
            push!(dict[coord], p)
            newSet = Set{ParticleState}([p])
            dict[coord] = newSet
      return dict

That is not how you do it, you do haskey(dict, coord). Remember that Julia doesn’t have classes so you basically never call methods like that.


Thank you so much! That solved the problem (and tought me a lesson .-) )

The right thing here would be keys(dict). Your dict.keys creates a strange behaviour as in the following example:

myD = Dict{Tuple{Int, Int}, Int}()

for i in 1:100
    myD[(rand(1:100), rand(1:100))] = rand(1:100)

julia> collect(pairs(myD))[1:5]
5-element Array{Pair{Tuple{Int64,Int64},Int64},1}:
 (76, 69) => 3 
 (19, 13) => 13
 (15, 23) => 93
 (68, 81) => 57
  (85, 3) => 47

everything fine so far, now with keys(myD):

for i in keys(myD)
    myD[i] = rand(1:100)

julia> collect(pairs(myD))[1:5]
5-element Array{Pair{Tuple{Int64,Int64},Int64},1}:
 (76, 69) => 2 
 (19, 13) => 1 
 (15, 23) => 34
 (68, 81) => 98
  (85, 3) => 51

still fine, now with your dict.keys:

for i in myD.keys
    myD[i] = rand(1:100)

julia> collect(pairs(myD))[1:5]
5-element Array{Pair{Tuple{Int64,Int64},Int64},1}:
                                   (15, 39) => 95 
 (7956008003829065844, 7022836293254017892) => 41 
 (3755189675490410920, 2097865092682005547) => 26 
  (128118608645467904, 5841654826181606699) => 85 
                      (-8, 140311374223048) => 100

julia> length(myD)

Buuum, strange that that even worked so far … The reason seems to be that myD.keys gives something entirely different from keys(myD).


Shouldn’t “keys” be renamed to something like “key_slots” and then with Base.getproperty we can redefine “keys” to return only valid keys? I really like that all internals are exposed but this behavior seems to be very error prone.

You can actually remove in check and simplify whole construction to

push!(get!(dict, coord, Set{ParticleState}()), p)

Don’t use internals, use the API.