I asked about this on Zulip and cleaned it up and posted to Stack Overflow but I figure it might be helpful to cross pollinate here as well. I know I’ve wondered how to do this a few times, so probably other people have too.
Here’s the question:
Is there any way to run name resolution on an arbitrary expression without running it? e.g. I would like to take an expression such as
x = 1
y = 2*x + 1
z = x^2 - 1
f(x) = 2*x + 1
and be told that the names defined in the scope of this block are x, y, z, f and the names *, +, ^, - are pulled in from outside the scope of this block. Bonus points if it can tell me that there’s a sub-scope defined in the body of f which creates it’s own name x and pulls in + from an enclosing scope.