[So also would be a problem for English vs. e.g. my Icelandic keyboard, unless that’s what you wanted out, not keypresses.]
That’s what I thought, you couldn’t even know let say (left or right) SHIFT key got pressed on Linux/Unix.
I tested with:
$ sudo less -f /dev/input/by-id/usb-DELL_Dell_USB_Entry_Keyboard-event-kbd
and at least the terminal does know that left or right shift was pressed (and I suppose you could decode which), but I need superuser access, so it’s a non-starter, and the file is slightly different than in the answer here:
So I still think it’s just not possible in Linux terminal (or rather, you need to make a graphical app). I would like to be proven wrong, or at least what you can detect, in a) Linux, Windows (and macOS).
Is there a (non-Julia) library that supports the all the three operating systems, that could be wrapped, or would that basically be Gtk or Qt?
Yes, I realize that. I misread at first (“arrow” was only implicit), before posting my answer, but was curious enough to look into, e.g. for games, and posted anyway as might be of interest to some. Can you confirm my suspicion, that full support would be impossible in the terminal?
Sorry for confusing the issue, back to arrows only:
It seems at least arrow down might be problematic, scrolling the screen. I’m not sure. In most cases you could detect the key pressed, and undo that effect by printing back the opposite arrow?