Designated Target Audience of Julia 1.0?

lots of WiP with great promise. many, many possibilities 2-5 years out…risk is unless packages become abandoned along the way, as the original authors are done with what they themselves needed and now have to move on to day jobs elsewhere.

julia 1.0 could use more adopters in 2018-9. a growing user base to get to 1% in — yes, their survey is misrepresenting julia’s situation. it’s early. it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. she hasn’t even started singing yet.

my takeaway from this thread is that julia 1.0 is world-class ready for numerical analysis, mathematical programming (optimization, etc.) of many forms in fall. matlab users are probably one primary target. I hope it is a big market. I hope this segment has many prominent evangelists. stepheng and others…


PS: I am just a little sad that it won’t be for mixed data set IO programming in this iteration. I hope for 2.0.

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