For example, I have the following function
function test_fun(state)
x, y = state # 2 values
state = [2,3]
I’d like to find the mixed derivative \frac{d^2f}{dxdy} for vector case.
I can accompish this with the code below
jac₁ = x -> ForwardDiff.jacobian(test_fun, x)
jac₁(state) # [9 12]
jac₂ = x -> ForwardDiff.jacobian(jac₁, x)
jac₂(state) # [[0; 6], [6, 4]]
out = jac₂(state)[1,2] # 6
but this requires all matrix elements to be computed.
If I try to reduce this procedure as follows
jac₁ = x -> ForwardDiff.jacobian(test_fun, x[1]) # df/dx derivative
The error emerges:
MethodError: no method matching jacobian(::typeof(test_fun), ::Int64)