Deprecating usage of keywords

In Optim ( I am currently deprecating our old keyword based options system in favor of the Optim.Options (earlier OptimizationOptions) approach.

Say I used to have the following methods

function myfun(a, b, c, o)
    ... do stuff ...
function myfun(a, b, c; d = 1, e = 2)
    myfun(a, b, c, Options(d = d, e = e))
function myfun(a, b; d = 1, e = 2)
    myfun(a, b, C(), Options(d = d, e = e)

Now, to avoid breaking too much code in the wild, I want to deprecate it. In the future, I want

function myfun(a, b, c, o)
    ... do stuff ...
function myfun(a, b, c)
    myfun(a, b, c, Options()
function myfun(a, b)
    myfun(a, b, C(), Options()

My problem is: how do I tell someone who runs myfun(A(), B(); d = 44) that I want them to use myfun(A(), B(), Options(d = 44)? If I deprecate myfun(a, b; kwargs...) it will also throw the warning when people use myfun(a, b), and that is not what I want!

Also, in some other code unrelated to “myfun” (which is actually optimize) I want to deprecate the name of a keyword, how do I do that? I want to deprecate ABC(; keyword! = default_value) in favor of ABC(; keyword = default_value).


Perhaps something custom:

julia> const has_deprecated_kw_old = Ref(false)

julia> function f(;kw_new = nothing, kw_old = nothing)
           if kw_old !== nothing
               kw_new = kw_old
               if !has_deprecated_kw_old[]
                   warn("kw_old keyword is deprecated, please use kw_new")
                   has_deprecated_kw_old[] = true
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(kw_old="foo")
WARNING: kw_old keyword is deprecated, please use kw_new
julia> f(kw_old="foo")
julia> f(kw_new="foo")
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Ah, of course. I thought about checking the value of the old keyword, but didn’t think about changing it to nothing. When I thought about it, I wanted to check old_kw == old_default_value, but that won’t fire a warning if someone manually sets that value. Since no one should ever set the linesearch kw to nothing, this would work. Thanks