I’m trying to deploy a little website I generated with Franklin.jl
. It looks fine on my local computer. When deployed at Gideon Simpson, the menus don’t seem to be rendering properly.
Just a guess - perhaps that tilde ~
doesn’t work?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/~simpson/css/franklin.css">
Our personal websites are all hosted at www.math.drexel.edu/~USERNAME/
. I got that ~
in there by, following the instructions, using:
optimize(prepath="/~simpson/", minify=false).
Now, this might be part of my problem, but if I try to navigate to the style sheets on the browser, I get a
You don't have permission to access this resource.
error. So perhaps the problem are the permissions? What should they be? Is there a way to have Franklin handle the permissions for me?
Is there a way to have Franklin handle the permissions for me?
no, these are rules set by the uni IT admin.
Could you maybe try specifying the prepath
as the full base URL:
and report if it helps?
Nope. And now it can’t find linked pages on there.
optimize(prepath="~simpson/", minify=false)
got the CSS files to work, but now i get permissions errors on the linked pages at the top.
Yea, see my post just before yours. But try clicking Publications
or Teaching
nice one, I was indeed wondering whether it was the forward slash that caused troubles.
great that you fixed this and good luck with Franklin