Dependencies of src files inside a package

Technically, I agree with @rdeits. However, I’m not sure that’s really the solution you are looking for.

My experience

I have experienced the same confusion myself, and I have noticed that others seem to be stuck in the same mindset. I think it might stem from our ingrained C/C++'s include/header file methodology (assuming that’s your background).

In most cases, I don’t really want to break things up into different modules - especially inside a single package. Typically, when I need to break things up into separate modules, I really end up making one package per module.

If I’m not mistaken, there is a good chance that what you consider to be a package might actually be some sort of repository that collects somewhat related import-able modules (called “packages” in julia). Don’t get me wrong, Modules still exist in Julia, but they seem to correspond more to namespaces in C++.

Suggested structure, given your MWE

I tend use my .jl files (as you showed) just to separate out different functional blocks, and keep my files to a more (mentally) manageable size.

So yes, I would define files a.jl, b.jl, c.jl, and d.jl as follows:


struct Astruct

#more related code ...


bfunc(a::Astruct) = dosomething(a)

#more related code ...


cfunc(a::Astruct) = dosomethingelse(a)

#more related code ...


function dfunc()
   a = Astruct()
   bresult = bfunc(a)
   cresult = cfunc(a)
   return dosomethingwith_bandc_result(bresult, cresult)

#more related code ...

Finally, I would include all these files in the master M.jl file.

Note that [pkg_loadpath]/[PkgName]/src/[PkgName].jl is the file Julia automatically loads when the caller imports your module with either import PkgName or using PkgName.

See Code Loading · The Julia Language for more details on how packages are loaded.

Well, that’s at least true if you add [pkg_loadpath] to Julia’s LOAD_PATH variable, or if your CWD is in [pkg_loadpath]. See Constants · The Julia Language for more details on LOAD_PATH.

In any case, this is what my M.jl would look like:

#But yes, your "Julia package" code needs to be wrapped inside
#a Module of the same name:
module M

#Import some "Julia packages":
#(Which you probably typically think of as "modules")
using FFTW
using SomeOtherPackage1
using SomeOtherPackage2

#include the all the functionality broken up in separate files:

function run_the_fancy_calculation
   #setup constants
   result = dfunc()
   #more computations
   return result

#more related code ...


Hope this helps