Defining constraint using JuMP convert String to Expression and Merge Quart Expr and nonlinear Expr

Hi there @Deena_20,

I’ve moved your question to the “Optimization (Mathematical)” section. If you have JuMP questions in future, that’s the place to put them :slight_smile:

Since this is your first post, you should also take a read of: Please read: make it easier to help you. It explains how you can format your code to make it easier to read.

What is the contents of Book2.csv? df2[h,i,j,k,p] is a vector, but it looks like it only has one element, so perhaps you meant eval(Meta.parse(df[1,2]))?

In general though, what are you trying to achieve? Storing nonlinear expressions as text and then trying to parse them into JuMP is quite tricky, and there are a number of things that could go wrong. There might be a different approach you could take that doesn’t involve using eval.