Is there a quick convenient way to disable the shortcut Control D (used to quit)?
I believe (not that certain) interrupting the repl with eof
i.e. Ctrl+D
is baked into it so unless there is an option to specifically disable it, it cannot be done. Shells support disabling it.
Okay. Thanks.
Would be nice to have it.
as EOF is implemented in your TTY driver, and can be manipulated from the commandline with the stty
POSIX command. Specifically, you could remap it to some other Ctrl+Key
command that doesn’t negatively interact with your workflow.
You can customize the keybindings, see this manual section.
For example, to do nothing on CTRL+D you can put this in your startup file:
import REPL
mykeys = Dict{Any,Any}("^D" => (s, o...) -> nothing)
function customize_keys(repl)
repl.interface = REPL.setup_interface(repl; extra_repl_keymap = mykeys)
Thanks, both of you. I will see if it’ll work out.
Edit: yes, I used the manual and your example code to construct a piece of code (combination), and it works.
Depending on your reasons to de-activate Control-D, you migtht be interested in the possibility for being asked for confirmation before exiting: if you type Controlr-D when this would normally quit, you will get this message:
julia> Type ^D again to exit.
To activate this as yet undocumented feature, you can do repl.options.confirm_exit = true
in a atreplinit
function like above, or interactively at the REPL by replacing repl
by Base.active_repl
That looks very good. Thanks.