Date to float

Is there an easy way to convert date/datetime to a float representing year? I.e. f(2000-01-01) = 2000, f(2015-07-01) ~ 2015.5 and so on. The most obvious method is 2000 + (x - DateTime(2000, 1, 1)) / (DateTime(2001, 1, 1) - DateTime(2000, 1, 1)), but it is only approximate, of course, and becomes more and more wrong for dates far from the reference point (2000 in this case).

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I sometimes (in PyPlot surface plots) use this:

(y,m,d) = (Dates.year.(dN),Dates.month.(dN),
DaysInMonth   = Dates.daysinmonth.(dN)         
RelDayInMonth = (d.-1)./DaysInMonth              
utDatum       = y + (m.-1)/12 + RelDayInMonth*1/12
const DTM = Union{Date, DateTime}
# assuming you want 2000-01-01 to become 2000.0
yfrac(dtm::DTM) = (dayofyear(dtm) - 1) / daysinyear(dtm)
decimaldate(dtm::DTM) = year(dtm) + yfrac(dtm)

CAUTION: decimaldate is inexact.

Thanks, this looks like exactly what I need! What do you mean by inexact?

Using floating point values rather than rational values to represent a wide swath of highly resolved times is inherently inexact.

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You are representing a real number using a binary floating point representation

Binary floating point representation cannot even represent 0.1 (aka 1/10) exactly!!!

julia> 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1

"using Precision Decimal Floating Point module (not avail to public)"
julia> using PDFPs

julia> PDFP_setDefaultPrecision(4)

julia> PDFP("0.1") + PDFP("0.1") + PDFP("0.1")
PDFP(0, -1, [3, 0, 0, 0])

julia> PDFP_toCommonString(ans)

julia> PDFP_toExplainationString( PDFP("0.1") + PDFP("0.1") + PDFP("0.1") )
"+1 * 3.000 * 10^-1"

Sure, but it is inherent to all float values, and not related to conversion from date.

In case anyone encounters this thread looking for a solution.
I published a package Alexander Plavin / DateFormats.jl · GitLab (registered in General) earlier this year. It converts Dates and DateTimes to/from a range of formats, including decimal year (e.g. 2021.45). The implemented conversion is more accurate than the one posted above.


DateFormats.jl has moved from GitLab to GitHub and can be found here: GitHub - JuliaAPlavin/DateFormats.jl

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