DataFrames: How to remove rows containing NaNs when there are also missings

Assume I have the following DataFrame and want to remove rows containing NaN:

df = DataFrame(a=[NaN, 1.1, NaN, missing, missing], b=[1.1, 2, 3, missing, NaN], c='a':'e');

For just one column I could do something like:
filter(x->(ismissing(x.a) || !isnan(x.a)), df)

To extend this to all columns I tried to use the subset function in combination with the usual DataFrame transformation syntax, but couldn’t get it to work:
subset(df, :a => ByRow(x->(ismissing(x) || !isnan(x)))) (works)
subset(df, names(df, Union{Float64, Missing}) .=> ByRow(x->(ismissing(x) || !isnan(x)))) (doesn’t work)

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The simplest is probably:

filter(row -> all(x -> !(x isa Number && isnan(x)), row), df)

You can also write:

subset(df, (names(df) .=> ByRow(x -> !(x isa Number && isnan(x))))...)

Note that names(df, Union{Float64, Missing}) is not fully correct, as your column could have e.g. Any type and still contain NaN.


Sorry for revive this topic. But why there is no dropna function like pandas? We have dropmissing but no dropna

Because pandas in the past did not have a first class support for missing values, so it used NaN as a surrogate.

In DataFrames.jl by design missing values are properly supported, so we have dropmissing. In Julia NaN should not be used to indicate missingness.

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